‘Santa Maria has inspired me to speak my mind, to stand up for my beliefs. It has given me a voice’
‘The Good Samaritan Sisters were excellent educationalists who gave students a more expansive view of all that life could hold’ (Dr Margaret Pozzebon Class of 1979).
The Good Samaritan philosophy of education informs all that we do here at Santa Maria. This philosophy is grounded in two key principles; that ‘all women and men are equal’, and that the ‘universe is graced and all creation is inherently dignified and worthy of reverence’ (Genesis 1-2).
These principles - gender equality and reverence for the Earth - are embodied in the academic, pastoral and extracurricular programs that instil self-belief in our students.
The spiritual heritage of the school encourages us to ‘listen with the ear of the heart’ (RB Prologue 1). At Santa Maria this means honouring the interior life of young people and engaging them in practices that enrich the soul and support their personal quest for meaning.
Engaging girls in regular experiences of quiet, of silence, where the inner self is recognised and nurtured, is perhaps one of the greatest gifts we can offer as a college.
The living out of these principles makes Santa Maria a vibrant, loving and justice-oriented community.
Girls are listened to, respected, and celebrated. Their emerging sense of self is nurtured.
They are supported to engage with the world confidently, to embrace the richness of who they are, and to imagine who they may become.
READ MORE: Good Samaritan Education: Schools of Welcome Statement