Year 7 2027 applications now open, very limited places for Year 7 2026
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Learn more about our exciting Masterplan:
Stage 1: Chapel Refurbishment and
Stage 2: Brand New Year 9 & 10 Village underway!
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Santa Maria College White Curve Intro

Santa Maria College:

We Educate Girls!

Wominjeka - Welcome to Santa.

We are a progressive, inclusive Catholic secondary school for girls where:
is lifelong, purposeful and authentic. We promote a culture of academic excellence and personal growth through the MYP, evident in our outstanding, top-performing VCE results and future pathways for senior students. 
Our WELLBEING program is focused on respectful relationships, that honour the development of young women and supports academic, personal and spiritual growth. We value inclusivity and diversity. Student wellbeing is supported by our unique three Village, One Community philosophy
A model of FAITH IN ACTION offers students a counter-cultural message - that young people are called to be outward-facing, architects of change and action who contribute to a brighter, fairer and more just world.
We offer a rich and diverse EXTRA AND CO-CURRICULAR programs that allow every student to explore their gifts, talents and find their full potential. 

We have a holistic approach, where
Girls learn and grow because they are known.
Santa Maria College GirlsSanta Maria Melbourne CircleSanta Maria Melbourne Circle
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Girls need to belong:
The Village Model

When girls form strong bonds with one another and with their teachers they grow in confidence, share their stories, and learn in ways that engage the mind, heart and spirit.

This is why we have created the model of One Community, Three Villages.  Established in 2016, The Village Model enables our students at years 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12, to feel at home within their own developmental age group and to access programs designed specifically for them.

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